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Great light weight and maneuverable
The jump rope is very sturdy and light weight. I think it is a good value fir the money.
This set will be all you need.
Bought for my grandson and he enjoys it. Had to adjust length for him and was pretty easy
2nd set I ordered. This time a gift for Boys and Girls Club. Nice.
Sturdy and light weight
Needed it for easy travel. Bag was a lot smaller than expected. Really needed a larger bag. Size needs to be more descriptive. Nice bag overall.
constructed with durable material so it should last for many years of use. Cleanup was easy and everything came out like new. Comes with a great storage bag to keep everything together.
Upgrade Door Anchor: 5 metal stainless steel D-rings, adapt to different heights of movement, without frequent adjustment of the door anchor position, different height elevations to target different muscle groups. 5m length is suitable for most doors.
Sturdy and Durable: The resistance band anchor made of thick high-density nylon braided rope and metal D-ring. The double Z stitches make the door strap much more heavy duty. It’s extremely tough and strong and attaches to the door like a seatbelt.
Multi-Function Personal Gym: You can use door anchor fitness equipment with resistance band suit to complete various exercises at home, such as kicking, stretching, and strength training. There’s different heights that offer different intensity to my workout. Saves space, and does not affect the normal opening and closing of the door.
Portable and Easy to Install: Where there is a door, there is your personal gym. You can hook up to any doorway and get a good workout in. The adjustable clip on the door anchor strap could be particularly easy to install to most regular doors, just like fasten your waist belt. It can be rolled up and packed in a bag after use.
What you will Get: 1 set of Door anchor Strap, 1 Drawstring Pouch and 90 days warranty.